Dwitiya life care

Facilities Provided by Dwitiya Life Care

Keeping in mind the needs of an individual, we have put together a number of facilities which would make your stay with us enjoyable, satisfactory and most of all healthy.


Therapeutic garden

A therapeutic garden is an outdoor garden space that has been scientifically designed to meet the physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs of the people.
Nature Provides a space in which we can connect spiritually
It is well known that man has evolved from the environment, re connecting man to its roots gives a sense of well being enhancing longevity and the overall quality of life.
We have a kind of biologically prepared disposition  to respond favourably to nature because we evolved in nature.
– Roger Ulrich
Well effects of a therapeutic garden
– Improves a sense of control and balance
– Improves a sense of belonging and connection
– Aids in physical strength
– Creates a sense of nourishment
– Creates a sense of inner peace
– Reduces levels of stress and anxiety
– Reduces blood pressure
– Creates an environment of positive distraction
More than two third people choose a natural setting to retreat to when stressed
– Marcus and Barner
It is known that after a stressful event, 3- 4 minutes of connecting with nature is all it takes to produce stress releaving hormones which decreases blood pressure, decreases respiratory rate, elevates mood and produces positive brain stimulation.
brain stimulation

Brain Stimulation Activities

Just as physical exercise strengthens and trains our bodies, cognitive training and exercise stimulates the brain, helping it grow and develop new connections as we age. The more we challenge the mind, the better it is at processing information. As caregivers, we want to be sure our loved ones remain healthy in every aspect- including mental health.

brain stimulation

24x7 Nursing Care

It is the care that is provided and supervised by a registered qualified nurse. They have the training, experience and expertise to manage these challenging issues, so that the person they care for can live comfortably and with dignity.


It’s is the practice where an individual uses various techniques to train, attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. It is used with the aim of reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, also to increase peace, perception, self-concept and well being.

Music Therapy

It’s is the practice where an individual uses various techniques to train, attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. It is used with the aim of reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, also to increase peace, perception, self-concept and well being.


It’s is the practice where an individual uses various techniques to train, attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. It is used with the aim of reducing stress, anxiety, depression, and pain, also to increase peace, perception, self-concept and well being.

Comfortable Rooms and Wards

Our thoughtfully designed rooms and wards are meticulously crafted to provide a nurturing environment for our patients. From private ensuite rooms to spacious wards, each space is equipped with modern amenities to ensure your comfort.

Other Facilities









Doctor Consultation




Home Food

tv screening

TV Screening

