Dwitiya life care


Geriatric Day Care

Active-aging and wellness enrichment programs have been carefully developed to enable elderly individuals to remain independent and enjoy a high quality of life.

Post Hospitalization In-Patient Rehabilitation

Dwitiya Life Care provides bedridden patients with 24×7 nursing care, physiotherapy, and post- operative care.

Dementia Prevention Day Care

This is fun filled day activity programmed specially designed to aid the prevention of dementia and to decrease the progression of the ailment. Like the saying goes, “Prevention is the best cure!”.

Respite Care

The purpose of respite care is to provide temporary care to an ill or dependent person for a limited period of time, often a few days to a few weeks – providing a much needed break to the caregivers.
Exercise, Medical Awareness Programme, Brain Stimulation Activities, 24×7 Nursing Care, Pharmacy, Lab, Doctor Consultation, Physiotherapy, WIFI, TV Screening, Laundry, Home Food, Yoga, Meditation, Therapeutic Garden, Music Therapy

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